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Kenwood Ts-2000 Serial Number Lookup

Amateur Radio Control System ARCS for the Kenwood TS-2000AmateurRadio Control System for the Kenwood TS-2000 by WB5KIAYoumay wish to visit the ARCS II blog: to find out more.ARCSII 2.09 for the Kenwood TS-2000 (use ARCS III with other brand transceivers-see below). Version 2.09 provides a NEW tool (MS Translate), bug fixes andenhancements. There are now two loggers, ARCS Log and ARCS Log II. The original ARCS Log will not be available in future versions of ARCS; existing users are encouraged to transition to ARCS Log II.The regular logger is being enhanced ( ARCS Log II). ARCSLog II is the new ARCS 'standard' logger. It has features comparable toARTICULATE.

ARTICULATE is still part of ARCS II but bothARTICULATE and ARCS Log will no longer be part of ARCS in futureversions. Note the ARCSLog database is not compatible with the NEW ARCS Log II logger database. Existing ARCS II users of ARCS Log need to convert existing dbf to cds logs to transferlogs to ARCS Log II format. First create an ADI file using ARCS Log,transfer the resulting adi file to the ARCS Log II KIALog2/logbooksfolder. Once in the KIALog2/logbooks folder, use ARCS Log II to convert the adi file using MaintenanceCreate/Convert tool into an ARCS Log II compatible cds logbook. The.cds logbook is compatible with ARCSLog II or ARCS III. The database used in ARCS II ARCSLog is directly compatible with ARCS III logs.Ifyou needVersion 1.xx speechCommand and Control capabilities or the APRS module, consider ARCS II1.44 (see below) instead.

The APRS module in Version 1 is now astand-alone application with the ability to access GPSinformation. ARCSaprs is a separate download. See below.DXWeb. DXWeb isDX spotting software that is an integral part of the ARCS IIsoftware for the Kenwood TS-2000 and ARCS III logging softwarefor multiple radios and radios that cannot be controlled by CAT.To get DXWeb, you need to download ARCS II or ARCS III.ARCSaprs. APRS for the TS-2000, experimental software for the Kenwood TS-2000. Versions are posted when enhancements/bug fixes are available.

Check to find out what version is current. There is no software installationfile. Place the folder ARCSaprs in any folder except the ProgramFiles folderI needreports of success or issues with the software. If you use this,please send me an email describing your results while ARCSaprs is indevelopment. A CW contest simulator for the California QSO Party, the Texas QSOParty and other contests.

It includes a code practice module.kiaMorse is part of the Amateur Radio Control System, soon to be linkedto ARCS II and ARCS III but you can use it now. KiaMorse is not a cwkeyboard or cw interpreter, it provides a realistic simulation of CWcontests.Visit theARCS kiaMorse site and downloadthe free ARCS kiaMorse CW contestsimulator here:.ARCSIII (Version1.08) loggingsoftware is available for Icom, Yaesu, Kenwood, etc. This softwareincludes many of the ARCS II tools. ARCS III is logging softwarefor most radios (including those that do not allow CAT control).It has LOTS of accessories similar to those in ARCS II. CATfunctions available depend on the radio used. ARCS II is stillthe definative CAT software for the TS-2000.Version 1.08 has a change that affects previous version users: ARCS log files (.cds) now reside in the /logbooks folder. Previous users need to move their.cds logbooks and any.adi files to the /logbooks folder to get this version to work with your current logbooks.Check for currentstatus of the software and announcements of minor updates.

Some of the technology is described in March 2012 QST,'Where is the DX Now?' Figure 1 is from the software.Download ARCS III version 1.08 from the ARCSIII page here: 1.08. (10.7 mb install file)My beta tester Greg reports “I checked out all the mapsand the webcluster screens.

They all work great and I have to saythat the maps are the BEST I have ever seen! I really like havingthe DX spots show on the map! Graphics are all crystalclear and skins are really cool too.”ARCSII version 2.0.one of several operating 'styles'available.Someof the DX 'toys' on ARCS II version 1.44ARCS,by default, uses Kenwood's AutoInformation function to communicate withthe TS-2000. However, you can choose to not use it. Users mayhave USB 'ham' type interfaces that monopolize theTS-2000's RTS pin. Other software using the RTS at the same time ARCSis running precludes the use of Auto Information.

However, AI canbe turned off with some performance degrades. ARCShas both AR-Clusterand DXSpider access toInternet DX Servers. It has an APRS module.Updateof ARCS II with theinstaller preserves registration, callsign and other files andrecognizes your operating system automatically. Make sure youinstall the latest version of ARCSinto the same directory where you installed your previousversion. Win7/Vista users, make sure you use the installer toinstall ARCS to thecorrect directory.read the hints in the installer messages (Xpusers can use the default setting in the installer).Thesoftware is usable with Win 7 32 and 64 bit.

The PSK module workswith 64-bit OS. I appreciate comments and reports.Downloadlink for both ARCS II2.0 and ARCS II 1.44is below:ARCSIIis a free CAT program using the advanced features of the TS-2000to do things the commercial ARCP-2000software can not. The software is designed for Windows 95 andabove.

Some features only work in Windows 98 and above. Most of ARCS 'sfeatures work with LINUX if used in conjunction with the WINEWindows simulator.

WINE users may have difficulties if they havea 64 bit OS. Mac users reportedly can run the software with theappropriate software to run Microsoft Windows on a Mac.ARCS II mainpanel with large digital readout selected (move it anywhere youwant) shown on an Xp PC.A simple logger,the full featured DXWebaccess to Internet DXClusters (see image below), 'custom' DSPEqualizer filters, CW Keyboard, Voice Keyer/Recorder and PSK areincluded. FSK is available.

Monitor APRS activity version 1.31and higher.ARCShas features for the visually impaired. Keyboard short-cuts andvocalized drop down menus are provided for many functions.Microsoft artificial speech announcements are available for PCswhere the SAPI 5.0 has been installed and vocal commands can beused if SAPI 5.1 is installed. Windows Xp has the SAPI 5.0 andsome versions of Windows 98 and later may also have it. VISTA/Win 7-8has SAPI 5.3 and if properly configured, works fine.A separate modulefor PSK communications is included in the 2.0 install. ARCS PSK only works properly inconjunction with ARCS.

Hopefully a problemwith the decimal point on systems that use acomma (,) as a decimal seperator has been fixedin this version.Win7/8 providessome interesting programming challenges, if you are havingproblems with audio features in Vista/Win7/Win8, you may have to dothis:Microsoft does notmake all things visible to the naked eye. Open your Microsoftsound properties box by right clicking on the sound speaker icon in your taskbar. This opens your sound property box. In thetab list of menu options, select ' recordings ' thisdisplays a list of all audio devices.

If you do not see the' Stereo Mix ' display, find a blank area in thedisplay area, and right click on that area. Two options shouldappear. ' Show disabled devices and show disconnecteddevices.

' Click a check mark in both boxes then clickapply, OK and close. You now should have the stereo mix icon andyour record from sound card enabled and have access to audiofeatures that may have been crashing your PC. However, this doesnot always work; I have a Gateway laptop where Stereo Mix isevidently not available at all on a Vista PC.A separate Betamodule for FSK communications is available for the 1.44 install. ARCS FSK only works properly inconjunction with ARCS.ARCS FSK is availableas a separate download. The module is in the early stages ofdevelopement.

Presently only FSK TX/RX functions are supported.This software is designed primarily for FSK with the TS-2000 butwill probably also support AFSK when finalized (see below).The license for ARCSII 1.0 and 2.0 is FREE. The installationfile will install ARCS II tothe directory of your choice. The default directory forinstallation is C:ARCSII. A free registration entitlesyouto some additional features including Command and Control (on version1.44 only),Satellite functions, and capturing radio settings.

Most of theprogram's features are usable without registering. See the'Why register?' Comments below.UserInputThe most frequentlyrequested ARCS future feature is to make the ARCSmain screen fill the entire screen. Sorry, it will not happen.The screen is designed to work with several helper programs.Making the program fill the entire screen will not make any ofthe controls or type face larger. To do that I need to completelyre-engineer the entire interface.A large number of userideas are incorporated into ARCS and its satellitemodules.

When making a request for a new feature, please tell mewhy you think the feature would be worthwhile. Please keep theideas coming.OtherAmateur Radio SoftwareDownload ARCSII from the section below.THIS IS NEW 28 November 2013AmateurRadio Control System II for the Kenwood TS-2000 - ARCS II Version 2.09Copyright © 2005-2013 Stephen J.Gradijan, WB5KIACost: Licensefor ARCS II 1.0 and 2.0 is free. The software does not require aregistration password but may be registered to use some of theoptional features.ARCSIIis a CAT program that controls most ofthe features of the TS-2000.

ARCS Log II is both a normal logger and alogger for thevisually impaired. (AccessibilityArticulateLog will disappear inthe next ARCS version).

Styles now change immediately; you do not haveto change the style, close the application and restart. The antennastatus on the status bar correctly indicates whether Antenna 1, 2 orVHF. Other cosmetic changes. Although a new ARTICULATE logger wasdesigned, it will not be implimented, rather the regular logger isbeing enhanced (ARCS Log II). The ARCS Log logbooks are not becompatible with the NEW ARCS Log II database. To convert existing dbfto cds logs, first create an ADI file using ARCS Log, transfer theresulting adi file to the ARCS Log II KIALog2/logbooks folder. Oncein the KIALog2/logbooks folder, use ARCS Log II to convert the adi fileusing MaintenanceCreate/Convert tool into a ARCS Log II compatiblecds logbook.

The logbook is compatible with ARCSLog II or ARCS III.The database used in ARCS II ARCSLog is directly compatible with ARCSIII logs.The PSKprogram is linked to ARCS IIand ARCS PSK must berunning for all the features of ARCS PSKto work.DXWebis accessed using the ARCS II Accessories toolbar Menu.DownloadARCSII 2.0 here 2.09 (11.0 Mb installfile is called arcssetup209.exe.this is the latest version of ARCS). Not a link - you need totype it.ARCS II 2.0does not contain the Command and Controlfunctions. APRS functions will not be reinstated but will reappear as aseparate application. If you need the APRS module orCommand and Control, please use version 1.44below or download the separate ARCSaprs. I try to test everything, unfortunately I can not,so if something does not work, let me know and it will be fixedin 2.08.DownloadARCS II 1.0 here 1.44 (6.2 Mb installfile is called arcssetup144.exe This is an older version of ARCS that has Command and Control features and an APRS module built-in). Not a link - you need totype it.ARCS providess the capability ofswitching on/off the Auto Information feature on the radio.Before youuse ARCS II for the firsttime-1. Connect your TS-2000 and PC with a short serial connecting cable(NOT a null modem).2.

Turn your radio on.3. Turn MENU item 56 on the TS-2000 to 57600 bps.4. Turn your radio off. This should ensure the correct communicationspeed is set on the radio. Turning the radio off is important.5. Wait a few seconds, then turn the radio back on.6. Load ARCS II7.

Do not use the START button yet!8. From the start screen, set the COM port and speed from the PreferencesMENU. Baud must agree with the radio and should be 57600. The Hardware Flow Control setting mustalso be selected.

The Preferencestoolbar MENU ( PreferencesSerial Port / Baud )is used to set the COM port. SAVE to make the changes or EXIT to retainthe existing choices. Many new PCs do not have COM ports. You will needan USB/Serial adaptor.

Most likely, Windows will assign COM3 as a port. If you have aregular COM port, it is most likely the port will be COM1.9) The TS-2000 MUST be turned on and connected to to the PC with aserial cable before you run ARCSand attempt to set the serial port you will use to communicate withyour PC. The default port is COM1, if you use that port with a regularCOM port, you can eliminate Step 8. USB/Serial users, please note: ARCS'saves' the last used COM setting; if you unplug your USB/Serialbetween operating sessions, you may have to adjust your preferences thenext time you use ARCS. ARCSremembers, Microsoft Windows 'selects' a COM assignment every time aUSB/Serial is plugged-in and replugged.

Consequently, the portassignment might get 'lost.' Run ARCSII as described in the right hand panel of the ARCSII start-up screen.Be aware: ARCS IImay notbe usablewith RigBlaster if RigBlaster's RTS line is hooked up andthe Kenwood AI mode is turned on (see below). ARCSuses this line and can not share it with another program unless the AI isturned off (see below).

Some of the latest USB all-in-one adapters foruse with PSK etc. May not work either. Microham 'sUSB Interface will notwork if you connect the RTS PTT using the same port as the radio. Thereare work arounds-see below. Not having any of these devices, I don'tknow what other pitfalls exist.

What I have works great using a normalCOM serial port or my two USB/Serial adapters.ARCSusers can use RigBlasterand other USB adapters made for Ham radio that monopolize the radio'sRTS line if the AI is turned off using ARCS.To toggle the AI, go to Preferences Toggle TS2000s Useof RTS.New Features:DXGoogle Maps - an Internet connection is required.Version2.09 includes MS Translate. MS Translate helps translate AmateurRadio technical talk and converstation. The tool is experimentaland requires anInternet connection for some functions. Look in the Toolbar MENUTools. The program doesn't perform miracles though itunderstands quite a few radio 'technical' terms. The new and oldlogers are still both active. I received little inputregarding the new logger's performance so assume it is runningproperly.

The old logger and Articulate logger will no longer bepart of the control suite starting with the next version of thesoftware. Cosmetic adjustments were made to some screens.Version2.08 Styles now change immediately; you do not have to change thestyle, close the application and restart.

The antenna status on thestatus bar correctly indicates whether Antenna 1, 2 or VHF. Othercosmetic changes. Although a new ARTICULATE logger was designed, itwill not be implimented, rather the regular logger is being enhanced(ARCS Log II).

The ARCS Log logbooks are not be compatible with theNEW ARCS Log II database. To convert existing dbf to cds logs, youwill have to first create an ADI file using ARCS Log, transfer theresulting adi file to the ARCS Log II KIALog2/logbooks folder.

Kenwood Ts-2000 Serial Number Lookup

Oncein the KIALog2/logbooks folder, use ARCS Log II to convert the adi fileusing MaintenanceCreate/Convert tool into a ARCS Log II compatiblecds logbook. The logbook is compatible with ARCSLog II or ARCS III.The database used in ARCS II ARCSLog is directly compatible with ARCSIII logs.Version 2.05 TheInternet U.S.Callbook was improved. Sliderule Dial bug fixes andenhancements.

Kenwood Ts 2000 Serial Numbers

DXSpider bug fixed: DXServer no longer loses lockwhen PC goes into 'sleep' mode. Memory Select bug where S meterwould stop working after selecting multiple memories was repaired.Other small bugs fixed.

Added Internet links in the About MENU tolink to ARCS News and to check for the latest version of the software.Major changes are being made to the ARTICULATE logger option - duringtransition the regular ARCSLog database will not be compatible with theNEW Articulate Log database. To transfer logs, you will have tofirst create an ADI file, load it to the other software and create a'new' logbook for ARCSLog or Articulate log. The database use inARCS II will become directly compatible with ARCS III. The newArticulate will be available in version 2.06 or later.Version 2.04 'FullScreen' of the main screen is available as an option ( ToolsFullScreen).Although not totally full screen the main form will fill the height ofyour monitor display. Separate tools to change soundcards are provided;one for Xp PCs, the other for Vista and up. The Xp soundcard toolworks fine, the other tool may not work as expected with somesoundcards. Why the tool?

To help users of the PSK moduleand scope tool with multiple soundcards installed to use theinstalled soundcard of choice. Small appearence changes weremade. Autoscroll in the DXSpots window of DXSpider was fixed.Version 2.02 Theaudio scope tool ARCSScope is available again. Speech isimplimented; Command and Control (the ability to 'talk' to the radio)is not. Graphical and speed improvements were made using the latestDelphi compiler as a result of bug fixes in the compiler yetagain.

Some 'original' ARCS functions are still disabled in thisversion. Most functions veteran users are used to having alongwith more 'toys' should become available in the coming months. Thebasic APRS is ready, however, in the future, the APRS functionswill be moved to a separate application. A GPS toolis being added to the APRS software to allow use of GPS units likeEtrex and Microsoft GPS in conjunction with the software. A GPSdevices will provide automatic positioning information to ARCSaprspackets.

Thenew APRS software is expected to be released in November or sooner. Asmall change was made to ARCSpsk which should eliminate a decimalseparator issue that affected users whose PC use a ',' as a decimalseparator.

The vast majority of users are not affected.Version 2.00includes a major facelift and performance improvements. Severalstandard functions from previous versions were removed. Hopefullythe functions will reappear in a future version. Command andControl speech recognition has been deleted and may not return.Users requiring the capability to use voice control capabilitiesshould download version 1.44.Version 1.44includes more changes to the DXWeb Cluster module includingspotter to DX Great Circle path plots, improved map updating andmore error control. A problem that occurs only if a DXSpiderserver is inactive was fixed. WARC bands added to the SlideruleDial and put it a new location.Version 1.42is more forgiving if your hardware settings are not set upcorrectly and if the radio is turned off before the software isclosed. Yes, more error handling in various parts of thesoftware.

Significant changes are made to the DXWeb Clustermodule including viewing the spots in '3D,' moreoptions and new maps. DXWeb now attempts to access the Internetimmediately on loading (this might cause problems if the defaultDXSpider server is inactive for any reason).

A keyboard-shortcutallows antenna tuning without going to the Antenna form(Ctrl+Alt+A tunes, Ctrl+Alt+O takes the tuner offline); changeswere made as how the tuner works with software control.Version1.41 updates the Audio Scope and allows it to be used onVista/Win7 PCs. Small changes are made to the DXWeb Clustermodule. The version fixes a bug on HF Amp settings and providesimproved error control. ARCSpsk runs with Win7 64-bit and other64-bit OSs.

Addresses several small bugs and screen enhancementsthroughout the software.Version1.40 added more toys to the DXClusterinterface, fixed bugs in the main interface and adds a feature tothe About panel calledDashboard to directlyaccess the DXWebmodule minimized. The installer now installs the third-party DLLsneeded to run ARCSpskand ensures they get in the proper directory on Win 64-bitoperating systems.